Sunday, January 17, 2010


Lost in a world of thought and emotion
Biased to that which surrunds
Falling deeper into the swirling cloud of possibility
To wander, to dream...forgetting and remembering.

A distance untraveled, the mile unknown
Simplistic desire, sharing need and passion
Worlds collide, a shock of realization, dispatched illusion
To begin anew, fresh and alive...or stale and wanting.

The smallest memory, a glamor of fate or future
Tuned to a common thought, common feeling, uncommon ground
With a sway of light, blending of desire with untrusting pain
Thought everlasting, blurred edges of reality, scorched with fantasy.

Living again through simplistic sound, through black and white
Ashes fading, flames erupting into that which is unspoken
Known to all as completeness, a pair of dice ever complimented
A glimmer, a dream...forged in the lost boundries of ones self.

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